Sustainability 24. March 2021

Environmental protection at DIATEST

In many points, regardless of the legislator or any certifications, we have already taken measures a few years ago:

■ Rain water cisterns: Several large cisterns collect rainwater from roofs and paths. The rainwater is used for flushing toilets among other things

■ LED illumination: The conversion took place a few years ago to the entire 6,000 sq.mi. production and office space.

■ Green roof: The new parking deck has been given an extensive green area

■ Permeable cobbles: an essential part for the collection of rainwater; the rainwater is fed into the cisterns from both courtyards

■ Recycling of residual materials: Residual materials are not thrown away, but deliberately handed over for recycling

■ Biodegradable coolant

■ Use of green electricity and ecologically produced gas

■ Own sewage plant for chrome bath